Trace draw sketch: Trace CAM

by optimobit for Android 13.0

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Trace Draw Sketch: Trace CAM – A Sketching App for Beginners

Trace Draw Sketch: Trace CAM is a free lifestyle app developed by optimobit for Android users. This app helps beginners learn drawing and sketching by tracing images and cartoons. With the help of the camera, users can convert any image to a sketch on paper and control the transparency of the sketch.

The app also offers tracing activities for users to learn drawing and tracing. Users can select any image or sketch from the gallery or the app’s sketches and put their mobile in a static position. They can then use a blank paper and put it on the table below the mobile. By following the sketch from the camera and drawing on paper, users can trace and sketch it on paper. The app also offers features like tracing lines and dots and copying images to paper sketch.