The Strip Open Mod

by MoBurma - original by Schizofriendlia for Windows 10

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New Vegas Mod – The Strip Open

Is The Strip Open safe to use with your game modding experience? I have played many of the old Vegas mods and I found them very enjoyable, but the problem I always had with them was they were not made for vista or would only run on an older game copy of the Vegas version. The Strip Open does not have any new compatibility patches either (again, don’t know if this ever touches the actual Strip) so I would be hesitant to use it with my new game copy of NV. If you want to get rid of the Strip’s checkpoint graphic and other annoyances from the game, it is not possible to do through Faves Mod, which is why I recommend you use a game edit of the Vegas Strip instead.

I am also hesitant to recommend Faves because there seems to be no support for the New Vegas series. When I was looking for a good mod, I really wanted to find something that would work with the New Vegas overhaul and the Strip Open mod didn’t seem to fit into that plan at all. I have also seen a lot of people saying this new Vegas game is not true to the original vision, but I disagree. It seems more real to me than the old Vegas that I grew up on, at least as far as story and concepts are concerned. And I believe that the game play of the mod is actually very well done.

It adds new areas to the Vegas Strip, as well as a new town of Courier Shops where you can get some of the best gear in the game, in addition to a multitude of scripted scenes. The Strip Open is not a mod that is designed to break the game’s rules, but it is more of a refreshing take on an already great game. There is romance between Paco and Deuce who are lovers, and the game is filled with great one liners like I miss you Paco etc. The Strip Open is available for free on the official site, but it will cost you to download it. The download will only last about 10 minutes and then your game will be deleted forever, so be sure to go ahead and get the copy if you want it!