Text On Video: Easy Vid Editor

by Toto Ventures Inc. for iOS 12.1.2

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Text on Video – The Most Powerful Video Editing App Ever

To make the creation of videos as simple as possible, we developed Text on Video – the most powerful video editing app ever. This is the easiest way to create videos on your camera roll. Text on video allows you to edit your videos using various editing tools and free effects. Our app makes creating and customizing your videos to suit your needs easy. If you are a new user of Text on Video, we offer you the best way to start.

Once you download and install our app, you can follow the steps below to set up and use it:

Create your account: 

To start using Text on Video, you must create your account.

How to create an account:

  1. Download our app.
  2. Sign in with your Facebook or Google account.
  3. Choose a username, password, and security level.
  4. Click ‘Create Account’ to complete the signup process.

Start creating videos: 

With a simple drag-and-drop interface, it’s easy to create a video.

How to use it: