A free app for Android, by Trading Technology Ltd..
What is Tesler 2?
With Tesler 2, we’ve built the world’s best financial trading algorithm. It’s a smart tool that automatically makes your money work for you, and it’s completely free to use. You don’t have to worry about time or risk. You can simply sit back and enjoy the process. And if you want to try it yourself, we’ve built a simple and easy-to-use app for you to test it out.
How does Tesler 2 work?
The app automatically does all the work. It makes the decisions for you. It’s based on years of research and real-time analysis of thousands of data points. It’s built on the latest technology and uses the best data available. You just have to choose the asset you want to buy or sell, and it’ll handle the rest. It’ll automatically look for the best price, find the best time to enter a deal and get you the profit.
You don’t have to worry about time or risk.