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Auto complete usernames and passwords in Firefox

I’ve got so many usernames and passwords on the net to remember nowadays that keeping track of them is almost a full-time job.

There’s nothing more a nnoying either when I can’t remember my access details for a particular site. Of course, Firefox helps to a certain extent by auto-completing passwords and usernames, but it doesn’t work for every site and it’s not exactly the most secure way of doing things if you share a computer. Sxipper is designed for those who want their usernames and passwords autocompleted and remembered every time they visit a site in Firefox, but without compromising their security.

Sxipper ‘learns as you surf’, so there’s no forms to fill in. It detects keywords – related to your address for example – and if you type one of them then it fills in the entire form based on the empty fields. The only problem is that it’s not always going to be accurate if the form you’re filling in has miscellaneous fields in it.

Sxipper isn’t perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than trying to remember all of your usernames and passwords, or writing them down on a piece of paper.