Swing Copters

by .GEARS for iOS 4.1

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Just like Justin Bieber, you’ll love or hate this flappin’ follow up

Love it or hate it, Swing Copters – the follow up to the immensely popular Flappy Bird – will undoubtedly be downloaded many, many, many, many, many, many times. If this is the path you chose to take, prepare to feel like you want to smash your phone with frustration. Swing Copters is the ultimate time wasting game.

Features? There aren’t many

The concept of Swing Copters is simple: try to steer your little copter away from the swinging hammers and the wall up through the course, earning points as you go. As you score more points you gain medals, which allow you to unlock different characters. Good luck with that, though. Chances are you won’t make it far enough in the game for that.

Nobody said flight school was easy

How far are you likely to get in Swing Copters? Maybe two points, maybe three. There is one simple instruction: tap to play. Should be easy, right? But the game is frustratingly difficult. Sometimes where you tap seems to have absolutely no bearing on where the little guy actually goes. I’m tapping right. I’m still tapping right. I’m STILL tapping right. But it’s going left.

If you work out some kind of magic formula to make your copter fly further than past a few sets of hammers, do let us know. Do you use one hand or two? Do you tap on the copter or on the surrounding area? Do you tap where you want to go or where you are? Oh wait, that’s a whole day gone just trying to work out the controls.

Say what you will, but that’s a flappin’ cute copter

Swing Copter’s graphics are old school, in the same way as Flappy Bird’s were. Again, just like Flappy Bird, the little man with the propeller hat is pretty cute with his bug eyes, so you might feel a bit bad constantly whacking him against the hammers or the wall. Or you might be too busy trying to work out why he won’t go the way you want him to.

The sounds in Swing Copters are simple – mainly just a few beeps and a sort of thud when your copter inevitably hits something and drops to the ground.

Love it or hate it, you’ll still want to try it

There are so many better games you could play or more important things you could with you life but, no matter what this review says, people will still download Swing Copters in droves. It’s all about the hype. Or fear of missing out on the next big thing. Swing Copters really is like Justin Bieber, you either love him or hate him, so you might as well download it and find out which side you’ll choose.