SURVIVAL QUICK SAVE – No Sleep Till Bedtime Mod

by Gopher for Windows 10

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No Sleep Till Bedtime – Survival Guide

SURVIVAL QUICK SAVE – No Sleep Till Bedtime is a newly created and highly optimized version of the popular Survival Guide created by Gopher. This very new and optimized version is actually much better compared to the previous version that just couldn’t save your game whenever you leave an area. This new version is now able to save your game even in full hardcore Survival difficulty setting if you want to. This was made possible with the help of high quality Survival Difficulty Optimization System that was used to create this very optimized Survival Guide. This Survival Guide was also designed specifically to work well with the recent version of the game that was released just recently.

This No Sleep Till Bedtime survival guide will tell you exactly what to do and where to do in order to save your game in all situations. You will be shown what you should do every minute of every hour while you are in the wild. The No Sleep Till Bedtime full save will also tell you what to do whenever you enter or exit a certain location without having to reschedule your game time or worry about resetting things when you need to. In addition, this optimized version will tell you exactly what to do in any situations and will tell you exactly where to go in order to find a certain item or piece of equipment.

This fully optimized version of the No Sleep Till Bedtime Survival Guide was originally created by user ‘Gopher’ using the version 7 version of the game as the base. With the use of the Survival Guide Mod, this optimized version was made to work on all versions of the game (not just the vanilla version), which is still the most popular version of the game. This mod also makes it so that you can save your game anytime you want while in the wild, without having to concern yourself with rescheduling your game time. It also has several other handy features like cheats and codes, walkie-talkies and much more. If you have the use of computers with internet connections, then this mod is for you!