Suicide Guy

by Fabio Ferrara for Windows Vista

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Cool Game for Puzzle Fans

Suicide Guy is a puzzle game with a cool twist. The game is set in the dreams of the main character and gamers are tasked with completing the game and solving all of the puzzles before the character wakes up, otherwise he will die in the real world.

More than Just a Dream

The bright colours and detailed animation style of Suicide Guy is sure to draw most types of gamers in straight away. Each level of the game is distinctly different and provides plenty of new challenges that are sure to provide plenty of incentive for gamers to return. There is always something new just waiting to be discovered, while the engaging sense of humour that the creators have instilled in the game also provides plenty of laughs along the way and a genuine feel good factor that really makes gamers care about the main character.

Time to Level Up

With plenty of cool puzzles to solve and a total of 25 different levels to complete, Suicide Guy offers gamers hours of addictive and engaging fun. The storyline of the game has been very well developed and drives the action in a realistic way, while the series of cool collectables that need to be located helps to add an extra gaming element. There are also lots of cool vehicles to drive and plenty of variation to prevent things from getting dull.