Steganos Password Manager

by Steganos Software GmbH for Windows XP

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Steganos Password Manager

Keeping your passwords safely stored on bits of paper pinned to a notice board isn’t the best way to keep your data secure. Steganos Password Manager is designed to give you an easily accessible yet secure place to store your passwords.

Steganos Password Manager works by creating password protected profiles, within which you can store web addresses with user names and passwords. The data in the profiles is encrypted when they are closed, so it can only be accessed by unlocking the profile in the application.

Each profile you create needs to be given a master password, which you do need to remember! Information is organized in a tree, as is usual in Windows. There’s no limit to how many passwords you save in each profile. Each entry has a description, user name, password, URL and notes frame, and can also have a file attached to it. With the data filled in, you can open a page in your browser from Steganos Password Manager. You can then use the drag and drop button to fill the login information on the website.

For the super paranoid, there’s also a virtual keyboard, which you can use to enter data without a keylogger being able to record your details. The interface is easy to use, and you can even access your passwords with a right click on a password field – if you use Internet Explorer. Auto-fill is not accessible with Firefox, you have to drag and drop you information.

While it’s missing Firefox support, Steganos Password Manager is still a secure and well designed program to keep your details safe.

Do your house, car and office all use the same key? Probably not. On the Internet, many users employ the same password multiple times. This is a big security risk. If only one of your accounts is cracked by a hacker (which happens every day), then your entire online identity is at risk. Strangers could write e-mails under your name, go shopping online or access your bank account. Store all your data safely with AES256-bit encryption.