
by SteadyPay limited for iOS 16.4

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SteadyPay – Protecting You From Income Dips With SteadyPay

SteadyPay is a simple-to-use, safe, flexible, secure and easy to manage app that protects you against income dips by automatically advancing your top-up deposits when your income is below average.

If you’re an employee, you’ll know all too well the feeling of an unexpected hit to your income when you’re working more hours than expected. When this happens you’ll have to make a choice: stick with your employer and risk not being paid on time, or try your luck finding another job and risk being taken for granted. In reality this choice is unfair. For many of us, finding a new job is never easy, and with tight availability and low pay this is all too often a risk that is taken by even more people than just yourself.

You don’t need to worry about either of these two options. With SteadyPay, we’re offering a safer alternative. When you work fewer hours than usual, we’ll automatically advance your top-ups, so your income doesn’t decrease, and you don’t have to worry about being taken for granted. We only ask that you pay a nominal fee for your service.