Free mobile trading app for millennials
Stash: Invest Build Wealth is a mobile finance app that provides users with financial security as it provides any user with a variety of financial instruments like auto-invert. It is a fully digital financial service offering that serves millennial investors specifically, helping them to buy, save, and invest wisely. It has an intuitive interface that places more emphasis on saving and spending rather than investing.
Can you make money with Stash?
The purpose of Stash is to help beginners and newcomers to learn how to invest. In order to assess risk tolerances and targets, the app asks new account owners a few questions. It includes a list of proposed Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that restrict the choices to those that make sense of the buying power of the user. The app mentions the assets can form the base of the portfolio (the most significant part of the user’s asset assignment).
With Stash, you are in charge of building your own portfolio based on the app’s suggestions and recommendations, but the Stash Coach feature will offer resources (for free) if it notices a lack of diversification in your assets. For additional input, the Portfolio Builder of Stash will serve a list of recommended ETFs, reflecting a complex portfolio of assets. You can spend, delete or apply the assets to the portfolio as you see fit.
The type of investments that are available to you are made up of ETFs, but Stash still offers various stocks (which are regularly updated). There are more than 3,000 stocks and ETFs (like stocks from Apple and Costco) that are now available on the app. Stash also offers fractional shares, which means that you will be able to buy company shares; rather than buying the whole share, you only pay for a portion of it.
An investment app for new traders
If you are new to investing and you’re looking for a step-by-step guide to developing your ETFs and stocks portfolio, Stash may be a good choice to consider. In the long term, the app can help you prevent high-cost errors and teaches you how to manage and handle your own portfolio better. You can also opt to purchase fractional shares so that you can diversify your assets at a low price.