Starfish Family Mail is an email program geared towards young children, teenagers, or even just people who find computers really challenging. Parents can create a list of approved email addresses or “Friends.” Include Grandma and Grandpa, cousins, school friends, and whoever else you like. The key thing is that if an email address is not on the list, it can’t be seen by your child. So, this is a perfect program for children and it would be great for use within schools!
What Starfish Family Mail offers you:
- Peace of mind knowing who your children are communicating with
- Each account’s “friends list” is controlled by the parent
- Authentication tools verify incoming messages are from who they say they are
- Secure admin access, only you can modify account properties
- Not dependant on Internet Explorer, strips HTML
- Will not execute scripts when messages are read, no scripting access!(no automatic virus execution!)
- Delete incoming attachments with specific extensions
- Each account has its own look and feel
- Easy to use interface
- Spell checker and thesaurus tools