Sqirlz Morph

by Xiberpix for Windows 98 SE

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Create morphing effects with this easty to use tool

Sqirlz Morph is a simple utility that allows you to morph multiple images or videos into one.

Creating a compelling image or video can be quite difficult, especially if you want to superimpose one image or video clip over another. There are programs out there such as Windows Movie Maker that are capable of such alterations though. Sqirlz Morph is one of them.

One of the greatest advantages of Sqirlz Morph is that it’s easy to use. In addition to pictures, one of Sqirlz Morph’s perks is that you can save animation as an AVI, Flash file (SWF) or even as an animated GIF.

The process of morphing images or video clips with Sqirlz Morph is quite simple. Just choose two pictures or clips that you want to morph, mark the transition points and choose the format you’d like to save the final animation in. Obviously, getting truly skilled at using Sqirlz Morph takes time, but the simple interface is a definite plus that makes this tool easy for beginners and more advanced users alike.

Sqirlz Morph is a nifty program that lets any level of user morph multiple images into one composite.

Morph one or more AVI videos as well as still images, and has a morph transition ‘smoothing’ option.Now you can select and edit (move, delete, copy/paste etc) a group of Control Points with a single operation.


  • Morph one or more AVI videos as well as still images, and has a morph transition ‘smoothing’ option.Now you can select and edit (move, delete, copy/paste etc) a group of Control Points with a single operation.

Sqirlz Morph allows you to mark features on several images, and the program mixes the images so that each feature on one image moves smoothly to the corresponding feature on the other images – a technique widely used in the film industry.

Multi-morphing is available – any number of images can be morphed together, so try mixing all your family’s faces at the same time! Morph animations can be saved as Macromedia Flash (SWF) files, AVI video clips, and bitmap and JPEG files. Sqirlz Morph is an offshoot of the Sqirlz program, and complements Sqirlz and Sqirlz Lite by providing a more ‘traditional’ approach to warping/morphing based on the use of control points to mark key image features.