Speedometer APK

by The1Matty for Android 9.0

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Speedometer – A Simple Speedometer App for Android

Speedometer is a free Android app developed by The1Matty. As the name suggests, it is a simple speedometer that can also be used as a head-up display (HUD). The app has a clean look and no complicated settings, making it easy to use.

The app supports speed in km/h, mp/h, knots, and m/s. It also displays altitude in meters and feet, and driven distance in kilometers, miles, nautical miles, and meters. When you exit the application with the home button, the distance is saved. When you exit with the back button, the distance is reset to zero.

Overall, Speedometer is a great app for anyone who needs a simple and easy-to-use speedometer on their Android device. It is perfect for use on the bus, train, boat, or anywhere else you need to know how fast you are going.