Speak and Translate offline

by FreeSharpApps for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by FreeSharpApps.

Speak and Translate offline is a free, easy-to-use app that lets you translate and listen to conversations in over 50 languages. It supports both English and Spanish, and is useful for people who need to communicate with people from other countries or cultures.

How to use Speak and Translate offline:

Open the application and select one of the supported languages. The default language is English, but you can also choose any other language. Select the input method you want to use, either voice or text. You will be able to hear your own voice, as well as the voices of others.

The app will translate what you say, so you can communicate with people from other cultures. You can also listen to the translation of what others say.

How to download Speak and Translate offline:

You can download the required language for your use. The app will download the required language automatically.