Space Pirates for Life: A Hardcore Action Game
Space Pirates for Life is a challenging action game developed by Tidal Rave, available on Windows. The game is not for the casual gamer, as it is designed with speedrunning in mind and can reach brutal levels of difficulty. The game’s story is a sequel to the song ‘Cosmic Butterfly’ from Tidal Rave’s debut album and begins with a lone ship dwelling in the graveyard orbit. The ship is manned by a small crew of space pirates who spend their years harvesting gold components from satellites. The pirate’s efforts to fund a rebellion against Earth’s wealthiest 1% come at a cost when the 1% band together to fund a space fleet to destroy the Cosmic Butterfly and all of its crew. After a hard landing on an unknown planet, a lone pirate sets foot outside to look for the missing crew.
The game features tight platforming and fun gameplay mechanics, and Tidal Rave’s unlockable single release ‘Levels’ is only available in the game. To unlock the single, the player must gather all Music Note collectables, unlock the music statue, and beat the game. The game also offers full stats at the game end for the hardcore gamers and speedrunners who enjoy a challenge. The game’s super catchy soundtrack adds to the overall experience.