Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox

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Free running simulator

Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox is a free running simulator that mimics the classic 2D games in a 3D environment. There are various objects to jump onto and over, making it through the lengthy levels. If you enjoy this brand of gameplay, other games you might want to try are Sonic Ultimate RPG V2, Sonic Generations, and Sonic Speedway.

To make sure you safely make high jumps, there are speed and height boosters at different locations. You’ll also find various ways to cross the terrain. Sadly, the sound effects don’t have any music to complement them, and you won’t see any of Sonic’s famous rings.

Sonic in a 3D environment

If you’ve ever played classic 2D Sonic games, the environments in Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox will look familiar. The main differences are that it has a 3D perspective, and there isn’t linear exploration. Instead, you can turn in every direction to see where to go next and find your way across the level.

Speed boosters

Some of the areas in Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox have small platforms that serve as speed boosters. As you run over them, you’ll hasten forward with incredible velocity. You’ll need it for jumping onto high platforms. If you make a mistake and lose your speed, you’ll need to look for bumpers that throw you into the air towards higher surfaces.

Sounds with no music

One disappointing aspect is with the sound. While there are sound effects, you won’t hear any music. It makes the running simulation a dismal experience unless you decide to play some songs in the background on your radio. 

A fun Sonic experience

Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox has several pros and cons, but it’s still a fun experience. While you may hope to simply run across a linear platform, you may have to stop and look where to cross next.

The sounds could have been done better with the addition of music. Other than that, there are speed boosters and height bumpers you’ll enjoy searching for. There aren’t any rewards for running across the landscapes other than a nostalgic feeling, making you miss the classic games.