Songkick Concerts

by Songkick for Android 13.0

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Never miss a gig again with Songkick Concerts

With Songkick Concerts, you’ll never miss a gig of your favorite artist or band! The free app for Android scans your music library and tells you where and when your favorite artist will perform by tracking artists and locations.

Songkick Concerts was originally an online service that would scan the music library on your computer, but with the amount of people now storing music on mobile devices, a mobile app was inevitable.

What’s the deal?

Songkick Concerts scans the music library on your Android phone and tracks when artists will be playing in the city of your choosing. You can add as many locations as you want, with the added option of getting notifications when the artist is in town or when tickets go on sale. You can RSVP to an event and mark it on your personal events calendar, as well as sharing it with friends through email, on Twitter and on Facebook. There is also an in-app map with venue details and locations.

Is it easy to use?

Songkick Concerts makes the option of tracking by artist or location a seamless process. By tapping on an artist, you get information about upcoming gigs around the world. Filtering by location will give you information about every gig in that city, a nice option if you want to discover new artists playing in your area.

Although tickets can’t be purchased through Songkick Concerts itself, the app will go as far as redirecting you to ticket vendor websites to purchase tickets. They’ll also inform you if they are already sold out. If your music library is out of date, adding or removing tracked artists is only a swipe away. You can also choose to re-scan your music library at any time.

Songkick Concerts also allows you to integrate your, Pandora and Spotify accounts to track even more of your favourite artists! 

Does it work?

The homepage interface for Android is visually striking and lets you easily navigate between your locations, artists and personal calendar. Although you can search artists or locations to see when and where they are playing, you must register with Songkick Concerts in order to be able to track artists. Occasionally, ticketing information is unclear or unavailable, which means that you have to go and search for the information yourself. Aside from this minor problem, Songkick Concerts is generally stable and the concert dates and venue information are reliable.

Our verdict

Songkick Concerts is a must-have app for live music junkies that ensures you will never again miss a gig of your favorite artist or band!