Sinar Toponim

by Geospatial Information Agency for Android 13.0

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Sinar Toponim: A Topographical Names Implementation Support System

Sinar Toponim is a free mobile and web-based application developed by the Geospatial Information Agency to support the Implementation of Topographical Names in Indonesia. Its main objective is to provide a reliable and comprehensive source of information for the public and government agencies about the correct spelling, location, and meaning of place names in Indonesia.

The app offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to search for specific place names, view their location on a map, and access detailed information about their history and significance. Additionally, Sinar Toponim provides a feature that allows users to contribute to the database by submitting new names or correcting existing ones. The app also includes a glossary and a tutorial section to help users understand the proper use of topographical names in Indonesia.