Simple Call Blocker

by Michael Descy for iOS 12.1.2

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Simple Call Blocker Review

Simple Call Blocker is a utility application designed for iPhone users. It is created by Michael Descy and falls under the Utilities & Tools category. The app allows you to block unwanted calls, including individual numbers or ranges of numbers. You can also add numbers to the Allow List to prevent blocking. The app does not provide or maintain a known spammers blacklist.

Simple Call Blocker offers three key benefits. Firstly, it allows you to block a range of phone numbers, which is useful in preventing “neighbor spam” for free. Other apps may let you blacklist individual phone numbers but require an in-app purchase or paid subscription to block ranges of numbers. Secondly, the app does not collect personal information and does not require access to your contacts unless you choose to enable the “allow all contacts” option. Lastly, Simple Call Blocker is designed to be simple and reliable, unlike many other call blockers that can be confusing and difficult to manage.

The app is easy to use and is ideal for anyone looking for a simple solution to block unwanted calls. It is also worth noting that Simple Call Blocker does not collect any of your information, which is reassuring for users who value their privacy.