Simple Calculator: Math Solver

by True Media Lab for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by True Media Lab.

A Simple Calculator: Math Solver is a scientific calculator for Android that allows users to perform basic math calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Users can also perform advanced calculations, such as trigonometric functions, exponents, and square roots. The app also has a built-in dictionary that allows users to look up words and perform calculations based on those words.

How to use the Simple Calculator: Math Solver

To use the Simple Calculator: Math Solver, open the app and input the desired calculation in the calculator. To perform an addition calculation, for example, you can enter the expression Addition Calculate.

After you perform the calculation, the result will be displayed on the screen. To save the result, you can click the Save button. You can also share the result with your friends and colleagues by clicking the Share button.

To expand the keyboard, you can click the keypad icon on the bottom right of the screen.