“Scarlet Sails” – A thrilling interactive pirate adventure
“Scarlet Sails” is a free Android game developed by Hosted Games in the Role Playing category. In this 80,000-word interactive novel, you play as a pirate on a quest to find the legendary Titan’s Treasure. Your choices determine the outcome of the story, making it entirely text-based and fueled by your imagination.
The game allows you to choose your character’s personality, fighting style, and magical skill. You can also choose who to love, including options for singlehood or polyamory. The game presents you with the horrors of your past and the deep seas as you embark on your journey to find treasure, treachery, and maybe even true love. It’s a thrilling adventure that will have you on the edge of your seat, wondering what choices to make next.
“Scarlet Sails” was one of the top ten games in the 2015 Interactive Fiction Competition, and it’s easy to see why. The game is well-written, with great attention to detail, and the choices you make have real consequences. Whether you’re a fan of pirates, interactive novels, or just looking for a fun adventure, “Scarlet Sails” is a game you won’t want to miss.