
by grapefrukt games for iOS 12.1.2

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Build a retro-graphics space station

rymdkapsel is a game in which the player must construct a space station that is strong enough to withstand enemy attacks. The game uses a minimalist graphical style, with most on-screen objects being colored blocks, harking back to early arcade titles.

At its heart, the game is a city-building title similar to City Island 5 – Tycoon Building Offline Sim Game. However, it also incorporates influences from Tetris. The different rooms are shaped like Tetris blocks, and you’ll need to put thought as to how they can be slotted together.

Start by adding rooms

rymdkapsel opens with the player in charge of a space station consisting of just one room. The first task is to add more rooms, which involves getting a balance of different types. The room categories are corridor, extractor, reactor, gardens, kitchen, weapons and quarters — each with its own shape and purpose.

Send minions to complete tasks

Once you have built a network of rooms, your “minions” — depicted as white oblongs — can be given tasks. You can send them to collect resources from your extractors and carry the material to reactors, boosting your space station’s economy. It is also possible to prioritize certain rooms when giving tasks to ensure that jobs are completed efficiently.

Defend against enemies

Unless you are playing in Zen mode, which has no enemies, an on-screen timer will steadily count down until your enemies attack the station. When this happens, a few projectiles will descend from above. If you have constructed enough weapons rooms, then these attackers will be blasted away.

Very slow and mellow

rymdkapsel has a very sedated pace. Even when the enemy attacks break out, the projectiles will launch at a slow and steady rate. Some players might get impatient at the laid-back pace of the game. However, players looking for mellow gaming might appreciate it.