A free app for Android, by GemStar Games.
In a futuristic world dominated by gigantic corporations, an artificial intelligence robot is developed with both a quantum brain and a small nuclear fusion generator. The resulting robot is capable of both performing complex tasks and having a life of its own.
A few years after its invention, the Earth is dominated by one of the biggest corporations. The company plans to use its new robot to take over the entire planet. The CEO of the corporation wants to make the planet more attractive to the universe. The best way to do this is to develop the robot as a universal worker. The more people that work for the corporation, the more successful the company will be.
The CEO of the corporation is planning to make the new robot capable of performing all the tasks that are done by human beings. This means that the new robot will be able to do everything that a person can do. This will allow the company to make a lot of money.