Rise Eterna

by Forever Entertainment S. A. for Windows 11

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Rise Eterna: A Nostalgic Tactical RPG for Windows

Rise Eterna is a tactical RPG game developed by Forever Entertainment S.A. for Windows. It is a tribute to classic titles like Fire Emblem, Tactics Ogre, and Final Fantasy Tactics, but with a modern twist. The game follows the story of Lua and Natheal, two lost souls trying to discover the meaning of their lives. The game offers an immersive storyline with unique characters and epic fights.

In Rise Eterna, you can recruit up to 14 characters, each with their unique abilities, and defeat your worst nightmare in epic fights. The game offers countless personalization possibilities, allowing you to turn your characters into war machines that the empire deserves. You can also develop your characters using gems crafted with numerous ingredients looted during battles.

The game offers hidden content that challenges you to find all the hidden characters and challenges. Rise Eterna is a tactical RPG that offers a rich story and a nostalgic experience that will take you back to the 16-bit era Japanese strategy games.