Red Alarm

by smartieAnts Inc. for

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Cool App for Disorganised People

Red Alarm is a special tool that has been created for Mac users to help them to organise their lives in different ways. The tool makes it possible to set a number of different alarms to remind them to complete various tasks, shut down their Mac automatically and take care of other things.

Code Red

One of the cool things about Red Alarm is the fact that the tool has been created in the shape of a classic alarm clock that sits on the bottom tool bar until it is needed. The tool can be customised in a number of different ways such as changing the colour of the alarm clock and the sound that the alarm will make when it is triggered. Users can also schedule appointments if they wish.

The Clock is Ticking

Mac users who are looking for an easy and effective way to get organised should make sure that they take a look at Red Alarm. While the tool is as easy to use as promised, most users are likely to discover that they already own at least one free tool that will perform the same types of tasks, which makes the tool more of a gimmick than a must-have tool.