Recipe for Disaster

by Kasedo Games for Windows 10

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A full version app for Windows, by Kasedo Games.

You have been hired as the manager of a restaurant, where you must prepare to take on the challenge of turning a failing business into a successful one.

In this role, you will need to manage and control everything that happens in your restaurant, while at the same time, you must ensure that your customers are satisfied. You will need to manage the staff, the food, the menu, the dishes, and the cooking.

There is a lot of work to do, and it is up to you to make it all happen. You will need to work closely with your staff to ensure that they are satisfied with their work and are ready to help you in any way possible.

You will also need to work closely with your customers to ensure they are satisfied with the food and service. You will need to listen to them and take their feedback and suggestions into consideration in order to improve your restaurant.