Read It For Me

by Rozga Wojciech for

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A text-to-speech app

Read It For Me allows you to enter text into the user interface and have it read out to you in a number of different voices. Paste your text into the microphone box and click to hear a voice read the words aloud.

Hear sections of text spoken aloud

Read It For Me is a text-to-speech app where you have to click on the microphone in the top right corner and then paste in the text you wish to have spoken. Sadly, customizing this tool and operating it is very difficult with the instructions on hand, which means you will probably have to look on forums and on YouTube to figure out how to use it. Or, you can fiddle with the functions until you figure out what each does. It works with the English language and with a wide range of other languages. You may pause the voice as it speaks.

A passable text-to-voice program

Read It For Me has two noticeable flaws. The first is the bland and overly flat GUI design that makes this tool look like a cheap old indie app. The other flaw is related to the number of voices on offer. It is great that there are so many different voices and that many of them read out text in numerous languages. The problem is that the English-speaking voices are limited, and most of the voices read out the text with a thick accent. It is often difficult to understand what is being said. The clearest option in English is the computerized voice called Cellos.