Quiz Basket NBA

by ASMobileStudio for Android 9.0

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Quiz Basket NBA: A Fun Trivia Game for Basketball Fans

Quiz Basket NBA is a free trivia game available on Android developed by ASMobileStudio. The game challenges players to associate an image with the name of a basketball player. The objective of the game is to compose the answer by clicking on the buttons and move on to the next level.

The game offers many aids to help players pass each level. If you’re stuck, don’t worry, you can use the aids to help you move on. The game is perfect for basketball fans who want to test their knowledge of their favorite players.

However, it should be noted that the game’s description encourages players to contact the developer with requests or suggestions, which may not be ideal for some users. The game is a fun way to challenge your knowledge of basketball players, and it’s worth trying out.