Quick TransLation

by Mozilla for Mac OS X

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Excellent Firefox extension for translations

Quick TransLation is a simple plugin for Firefox that means that whenever you need a word translated, there’s no need to visit another webpage.

Quick TransLation is embedded in the Firefox status bar with a country flag showing the language that you want to translate to. If you want to change it, click on the flag and you’re given a choice of up to 29 languages to select from which covers most major languages.

To use it, just highlight a word you want translated, right click and select translate from the context menu. A pop up box displays the definition, translation and even some links to wikipedia for more info on your chosen subject. However for some strange reason, copying text from the translation window is not possible by right-clicking although you can use the CTR+C combination instead.

Quick translation is quicker than using an external webpage for translations and with up to 29 languages to choose from, you’ll probably find it more than does the job you need.

Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes