Quick Conditional Formatting for Excel

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Streamlined and Intuitive Formatting Software for Excel Spreadsheets

Quick Conditional Formatting for Excel is a great option when specific records need to be identified within a large database. Examples here can include the time spent on a certain website, the number of purchases made within a month or a list of clients who have recently registered for a service. It is now much easier to categorize records for easy data retrieval.

Basic Functions and Uses

Quick Conditional Formatting for Excel is ideally meant to be utilized within a busy work environment or when large amounts of information need to be collated and analyzed within a limited time frame. As there are a number of discrete conditional formatting levels, it is easy to choose the most appropriate algorithm to suit discrete needs. Additional formats may likewise be added when necessary. Multiple levels can be supported simultaneously in the event that multiple sets of data must be retrieved. One year of product updates are supported when the full package is purchased.

Other Benefits

The flexible nature of Quick Conditional Formatting for Excel is arguably its most important feature. As numerous formats are supported, streamlined data retrieval is now a reality. Users can opt for a conditional trial period before they are required to buy the full version.

With this tool you can categorize your records using conditional formatting, you could reduce work hours to minutes.

Use this tool to identify records in a database, based on a rules table.

Follow the following steps:

1.Click on Quick Wizard button in the Ribbon.

2. Choose the range to be evaluated.

3. Select the rules table.

– Native Excel Conditional Formatting.

When using native Excel functions, it does not require tools to share your reports.You do not need to worry about additional details to show the results.

– Quick processing.You won´t have the disadvantage of waiting for the recalculate their Excel database whenever the data is modified.

– Quick Conditional Formatting for Excel is an An excellent complement to Excel, which will allow you to format all the cells and ranges you may need, by using “n” conditional levels. This means that you can use all the levels you want.

– You could rapidly – at a glance – get to categorize the prices in your spreadsheets, by simply having Conditional Formatting for Excel configured to add a given color to all cells containing the rule.

– It is a data management tool that will strengthen your Microsoft® Excel® to manage huge Excel databases

Fully compatible with Office 2007, 2010, 2013

Fully compatible with all Windows versions Windows 7, Window 8, 32 or 64 bits

With Quick Conditional Formatting for Excel you can categorize your records using conditional formatting, getting dramatically improved data visualization for fast and effective parallel comparisons.

Quick Conditional Formatting for Excel has been created based on Excel conditional Formatting, they can be personalized using all colors that Excel offers to enrich its presentation.

Use this tool to identify records in a database, based on a rules table.