
by Brockerhoff for Mac OS X

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Bring back hierarchical menus in Leopard

Leopard has Stacks to keep similar elements together on the Dock. For those of you that still have a hard time adjusting to this new feature, Quay brings hierarchical menus back to the Dock. Select an item or a folder as a base by dropping it on the Quay icon and then use that to launch your menu from.

Menus allow you to view the contents, sort the order of files or show only popular folders. You can also change the color and icon of a folder. A few users were put off by the fact that menus always pop up on the right, and hopefully in the next installment the developer will have allowed Quay to open up hierarchical menus on the left too. Clicking only once to open a menu also feels awkward at first but you quickly get used to it and it definitely speeds things up.

If you still find Stacks a bit awkward, set up Quay to bring back hierarchical menus to your Leopard Dock.

Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) introduced “Stacks” in the Dock. Many people, however, prefer the previous implementation of hierarchical popup menus from folders in the Dock. Quay is a simple app that brings back the hierarchical menus, but with several additional capabilities.

Why use Quay instead of some other, superficially similar, application? Quay items are on the right (or bottom) side of the Dock, just like you’re used to. There are no apps running on the other side of the Dock; no extra distracting “running” lights. It uses the system’s Dock, not a secondary palette or window.

Quay is a simple Cocoa application. You run it just to configure a popup item in the Dock. The Dock icons can be customized for better recognition. For the popups, it runs an on-demand background tool that uses very little CPU time and memory.

Quay does no magic. It doesn’t hack the Dock in any way, and calls no private system interfaces.