Presets for Lightroom – FLTR APK

by Mobile Presets Filters for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by Mobile Presets Filters.

Presets for Lightroom is a FREE app, created by professionals, for easy photo editing. We have over 1,000 presets for you to use, with more added every day. This application has a powerful editing tool and a beautiful interface, allowing you to make your photos more creative.

This application is for all users of the Lightroom application. It is not only for photographers, but for everyone who wants to edit their photos. With this application, you will be able to add more effects to your photos, making your photos look better.

We have a collection of over 1,000 presets for you to use. We also have a collection of over 74 DNG (Digital Negative) packs, to help you make your photos more beautiful.