PowerUp Connect

by PowerUp Sports for Android 13.0

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PowerUp Connect: Your One-Stop App for Season Details

PowerUp Connect is a free Android app developed by PowerUp Sports. This app is designed for members who have an existing account with an organization that uses PowerUp Sports. It provides users with all the details of their playing season, including individual and family calendars, game and event details, attendance, team rosters, and team chat.

The app also allows users to receive push notifications for event reminders and club news and notices. In addition, users can access the Club Hub resources and the Coach Hub, which includes rosters, schedules, attendance, tracking, resource hub, contacts, chat, email, and manage events. The Referee Hub is also available, which allows users to view availability, game results, disciplines, and statistics.

It is important to note that the features and content available in the PowerUp Connect app are managed entirely by the user’s home club, including release dates for rosters, games, and other information. Overall, PowerUp Connect is a convenient and comprehensive app for members to stay up-to-date with their playing season details.