Pic Jointer

by LIGHT CREATIVE LAB for Android 13.0

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Pic Jointer: Create Stunning Collages Easily

Pic Jointer is a free Android app developed by LIGHT CREATIVE LAB that helps users create collages and share them online with ease. The app has a simple and elegant layout that is user-friendly. It offers several templates that help users create beautiful collages. Pic Jointer also allows users to add their text with PicJointer Creator and wonderful stickers to their collages.

With Pic Jointer, users can add pictures from their gallery, change the color of the background, and fine-tune their pictures by editing text alignment, font, color, or effects. The app also allows users to export their collages in high quality and speed, making it easy to share them on Instagram story or save them to their gallery.

One of the unique features of Pic Jointer is its Story Creator, which can create story photos without any internet connection. Overall, Pic Jointer is a great app for those who want to create stunning collages and share them online with ease.