Perfect Shift

by ‪LEXTRE HOLDING LIMITED‬ for Windows 10

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Free, fast-paced racing game

Perfect Shift is a simple yet fast-paced racing game. This free-play game gives players arcade-style car racing gameplay. Here, instead of long and complicated tracks, you will confine yourself with very short tracks to see who can shift gears the fastest.

Unlike other racing games, the most important thing in Perfect Shift is getting a good start and changing gears at the exact moment. Moreover, the races only take a few seconds as the tracks are shorter. Additionally, there are various racing modes available, including a story mode, ladder racing mode, and daily challenges. It’s quite reminiscent of Need for Speed.

How do you play this game?

To play Perfect Shift, you will need to create a screen name and pick out your first car. On your first launch, you will get $17,000, which is enough money to buy a nice sub-compact. As you win random street races, you can earn more money to buy better vehicles. More than cash, you can also unlock additional racing modes, including the story campaign, ladder racing, and daily challenges.

Besides buying a completely new car, you can also customize the ones you have. The garage lets you upgrade the hardware beneath the hood, including the engine, turbo boost, and gearbox. Of course, you can also upgrade the tires, add a nitro booster, and even streamline the weight and improve your car’s aerodynamics. However, while you can customize the car, you are stuck with the game-provided player icon.

The gameplay is simple. You play from the side view of the cars with your tachometer and gear-shift pedals on-screen. The race begins by revving the engine. Once the countdown ends, you have to shift up as the gearbox symbol turns green. As mentioned, shifting at the right moment is everything as it gives you better chances of winning. If you take any longer, you probably already lost the race. 

Is the game good?

Overall, Perfect Shift is a fun game to pass the time. It has simple gameplay, which is addictive enough to keep you busy for some time. It also has good-quality graphics and a variety of scenery to make each race enjoyable. It does lack some features that other car racing games offer. Moreover, the races are short. Nevertheless, it gives you an experience more in line with hardcore racing titles.