Passport Size Photo Maker

by Photo Collage Maker for Android 13.0

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A full version app for Android, by Photo Collage Maker.

The best passport photo maker app in the store. It’s a free, simple, and user-friendly application that lets you create professional-quality passport photos in just a few minutes. If you’re looking to obtain a new passport, then this app is the right application.

Passport Photo Maker is the best feature because you can choose a file from a gallery or take a photo from your camera. You can verify the size of your photo, rotate it, adjust brightness, contrast, sharpness, white balance, and exposure, crop the part of the photo you want to include, and erase unwanted edges. You can also add a border and choose a color for it. You can print your photo or save it to use for printing. Finally, you can share your photo with anyone you want.

All that’s required is your mobile phone or camera, and the app will take care of the rest. There is no need to sign up for an account or pay a penny.