Pass2U Wallet – cardscoupons

by MicroMacro Mobile Inc. for iOS 16.4

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How to Add Passes to Apple Wallet

Pass2U Wallet is a free app for adding, managing, and tracking the passes that you have added to Apple Wallet. You can add all types of cards and tickets such as those from the following issuers: American Express, American Express Business, JCB, MasterCard, Visa, VISA, VISA Corporate Credit Card, VISA Debit Card, VISA Reward Card, and more. You can add passes to Apple Wallet without the need to carry around a separate passbook.

The first time that you launch this app, it will ask you to log in to your Apple account. After you have logged in successfully, the app will prompt you to enter your iPhone number. Then the app will show you all of the passes that you have added to your Apple Wallet. You can add passes to your Apple Wallet by tapping on the “Add a pass to your Apple Wallet” option in this app. You will be prompted to enter the code that you have received when you had your payment card swiped. After that, you will be able to track and manage your Apple Wallet passes. You can track your passes and send them to others by tapping on the “Show Passes” button in this app.

You will be informed about your Apple Wallet passes when you have a barcode scan and tap on the “Add passes to your Apple Wallet” option. This app will scan and automatically add the passes that you have added to Apple Wallet.