Parasauraptor – Dino Robot APK

by TheFlashFirstFox for Android 9.0

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Parasauraptor – Dino Robot

Parasauraptor – Dino Robot is a free game available on Android developed by TheFlashFirstFox. The game is in the category of games and is a robot assembly game. The game consists of assembling parts of a large and powerful robot dinosaur called “Parasauraptor.” Once assembled, the player can use a variety of techniques. The robot is an assassin Dino robot combined with Ninja Parasau and Ninja Velociraptor. The dragon killer sword on the robot’s arm is sharp enough to sculpt metal in an instant and break enemy armor in an instant. The game also features a storyline where the three robots were the best colleagues and the team, combined to fight against strong enemies, and raised the skill of the ninja to the limit. However, after betraying Ninja Velociraptor, Parasauraptor disappeared. Overall, Parasauraptor – Dino Robot is an exciting game for those who enjoy robot assembly games and want to experience the thrill of controlling a powerful robot dinosaur.