P4A – Labrys Voice Mod

by ItsBurpee for

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A free mod for Monster Hunter Rise, by ItsBurpee.

This voice mod for Monster Hunter Rise will replace Voice 11 with the voice of another character from a different universe and game – Labrys from Persona 4 Arena. This replacement will take effect when there are attacks, or characters encountering damage. You will also hear the replacement during segments where there are in-quest scenes or acts, as well as in multiplayer mode.

In Persona 4 Arena, Labrys – a ‘mechanical maiden’ with strikingly beautiful looks – has a very childish and expressive manner of talking. Her speaking voice blazes with a mixture of sass, candor, zest, and at times, cluelessness. It is cartoonish, and oozing with personality – which is preferable over the sort we are seeking to replace.

The latest update now comes with a Japanese version of this mod.