Oblivion Xbox Gamepad Mod

by LegoManIAm94 for Windows 10

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Obsidian Odyssey Xbox Gamepad Review – Keyboard and Gamepad Support

This is a tutorial that I have created to help users of Obsidian’s Oblivion Xbox gamepad setup on the Microsoft front. The game has many cool features that can be very useful for gamers like myself. But, because of the awkward size of the game, you will not be able to play in the same conditions that you would if the gamepad were smaller. There are some neat products out there that can be used to remedy this issue, like an oversized controller, or a keyboard. In this article, I will show how I setup my gaming console to use a standard sized game controller, without having to switch controls mid-game. It was a lot of fun, and now I don’t have to ever feel like I am missing out on any big challenges in-game!

I had a few problems when trying to use an oversized controller for Obsidian’s Oblivion Xbox gamepad, but I found a way to use a standard sized controller for the game. You need to install a couple of mods to use the standard sized controller, but the effect is greatly enhanced. I found a way to use a Xbox One gamepad for the game in much the same way as I would use a standard sized gamepad. I also found a way to use my keyboard to control most of the game actions.

I created a quick video to show off my setup for the game with a keyboard and gamepad. This setup is shown at the bottom of this article and shows my estimated reading time, all files needed, total amount of space used, and how much warp speed I have on each of my four characters. The key configuration for my keyboard and game pad are included in the download, and I strongly recommend looking at the entire set up to get a full idea of what it takes to play Obsidian’s classic strategy and RPG games on the computer. Enjoy!