
by Toma Velev for Android 13.0

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Organize Your Notes with Notes App

Notes is an Android app created by Toma Velev, which is designed to help you organize your notes into folders and subfolders. The app is free and falls under the category of Business and Productivity. With Notes, you can hide your notes and search them by title. You can also encrypt your notes with a password to ensure their privacy.

One of the unique features of Notes is its ability to read text using your camera (OCR). However, this feature is not always 100% successful. It works best with black text on a white background with normal lighting, and it doesn’t work with handwritten text, text from shiny packaging or in the dark. There may also be some language limitations.

The app also has integration with Dropbox, Google Voice, and handwriting function. You can create your own gestures and widgets for new notes and capture text with the camera. The app requires permissions for internet, flash, camera, and external memory. The latest version includes bug fixes and improvements, settings for sorting, and the possibility to set a login password.

Overall, Notes is a useful app for organizing your notes and keeping them private. If you like a feature that is not yet available, you can contact the developer, who promises to add more features in the future.