
by Eddy Margarita Santana Peguero for Android 13.0

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Notes – The Simple Note Taking App for Android

Notes is a free note-taking app for Android that allows you to easily write and organize your notes, memos, e-mails, messages, shopping lists, and more. With its simple interface and user-friendly design, it is perfect for users who prefer a quick and easy way to leave notes on the go.

One of the best features of Notes is the ability to set reminders on your notes and get notifications at the right time. You can also attach images from the internal storage of your phone to your notes. The app automatically saves your notes after typing them, and you can easily view, edit, delete, and share your notes. The search function allows you to search notes from the title and body, making it easy to find what you need.

Overall, Notes is a powerful task reminder and note-taking app that is perfect for managing your daily tasks and staying organized. Its dark and light theme options make it easy on the eyes, and it’s completely free to use without any ads. Download Notes today and have your own personal notebook in your pocket!