Nora Spouse Companion Mod

by HouseVariable for Windows 10

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Nora Spouse Companion

There are many great Companion mods available for the game Fallout 4. These mods make your companion one of a kind. Some are simply improvements upon existing companions, while others give you the chance to create your very own unique companions. One such great mod is made by House Variable. This Nora Spouse Companion Mod gives you the opportunity to be your own hero, taking on a variety of roles throughout your game experience. You can play a loving spouse, loving mother, gruff but noble thief, or anything in between – and I’ll tell you how in this companion mod!

To play as your very own original character, you can begin by going to the character creation page in the game and choosing the type of character you would like to play (your gender will determine which type). From there, you can choose a name, select a basic outfit, select your voice, change your eyes color, select your hairstyle – just like many of the other companions in the game. This mod includes all of the perks a character would have in the game, so you won’t have to work too hard to gain these rewards. This Nora Spouse Companion mod comes with both a voiced female and male, and it has both a generic and unique name for each one. It also includes a unique tutorial that teaches you what you need to do to get started.

If you love games with lots of personality, this is one of those games for you. I can’t say I’m surprised – it’s really the type of game that requires a lot of imagination and personality to enjoy. For those people who haven’t played much of the main series, I suggest starting with the first scenario – “The Perfect Score”, then work your way up to the end of the game, where you’ll have more of a feel for the characters and the game’s mechanics. I particularly recommend this companion mod for anyone who hasn’t played the game yet, since it will give you a good understanding of what to expect. This is just an easy to install and play mod that adds some personality to Nora Spouse, giving you something more to be excited about when you play her!