No Players Online

by papercookies for Windows 8

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A free first-person horror shooting game

No Players Online is a free first-person horror shooting game for Windows PCs. In this horror game, you need to explore an abandoned online gaming server, where numerous traps await you at every step. The game has been developed by Adam Pype and Viktor Kraus as part of the Papercookies development team. The VHS-style game requires you to look inside an empty server that feels haunted. Compared to Train 113, Slide in the Woods, and other similar games in this genre, No Players Online takes a unique approach.

While the game feels short, you need to rely on an online guide to clear the second layer of gameplay. The Windows game comes with old-school graphics, making everything look creepy and haunted. At times, the first half of the gameplay feels a bit short. However, the second phase makes up for the lost time with numerous mysteries and puzzles. The action game features various secret endings, which keep you occupied for hours in one go.

Explore a dysfunctional multiplayer server

When you start this horror game, you find a standard VHS tape with a ‘Capture the Flag’ server still up and running. While there aren’t any players online to play, you can still access the server and start exploring the game. Since there’s no opposing team, it seems quite easy to capture the enemy flag. However, No Players Online surprises you once you’ve captured the first flag.

How are the graphics and audio?

When it comes to graphics in this game, you can feel the silence and emptiness depicted through the map and visuals. The MS-DOS-style graphics feel retro and give the game a strange look. Once you’ve captured the enemy flag, you come across an antique gramophone playing some weird music. Your first interaction with the gramophone sets off a chain of events. It makes you realize that the action game is not as deserted as you had thought.

What about the gameplay?

No Players Online is a simple horror game. The main character is dumped into an abandoned and unfinished gaming server to capture the enemy flag. Usually, such games require teams of players to strategize and capture the flag. It helps them score points and make their place on the leaderboard. However, No Players Online doesn’t have any teams. Instead, it requires you to work alone against an ominous shape. While your character carries a gun, the game doesn’t let you use it ever at the right time.

Your only choice is to keep pushing your character forward and carry the enemy’s flag back to the spawn point at least three times. This leads you to the final choice. It’s eventually revealed that the shape haunting the server is the developer’s wife. Over time, the developer wants to bring his wife back from the dead.

While returning the final captured flag will end the horror game and delete his wife, John keeps begging you not to do this. You can hit the ‘ESC’ key to leave the server and make sure the ghost lives on in the game or choose to ignore John’s pleas and return the final flag to release his wife from the clutches of the spirit world.

What’s the second layer of gameplay?

It’s important to note that No Players Online comes with a second layer of gameplay. While there are two endings mentioned above, there’s also a third ending, which can be accessed through a series of hidden inputs and secret codes. You need to dig deeper into an online guide to unravel these mysteries and uncover the secrets. It’s worth mentioning that an alternate reality game was released separately for fans. In this one, fans work together to solve the puzzles.

A unique take on the horror game genre

No Players Online focuses on making you the key aspect in the game, especially if you want to progress beyond the unfinished map into the second layer of gameplay. In order to reach the end of this horror game, you need to stay engaged with the mysteries and secrets. In fact, you need to look for solutions in the online guide to play the entire map, give form to the wife, and appreciate the art.