No Man’s Sky

by Hello Games for iOS 13.0

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Explore, trade, fight, and survive

No Man’s Sky is an epic adventure game. You play, from a first-person perspective, as a space pilot who navigates the game’s enormous universe, numbering quintillions of planets and similarly uncountable numbers of species, characters, and music, all skillfully generated by the game.

Whether you drink planets dry and kill their inhabitants, trade peacefully and learn about species you never knew existed, or simply get by day to day, No Man’s Sky will accept the decisions you make unquestioningly. Whatever you decide to do, it most likely has the mechanics that keep things engaging.

Explore the great expanses of space

The economies of individual planets, the resources they offer, and their inhabitants all fluctuate based on the actions of the players, you included. If you shoot down too many beasts or strip-mine half of a planet, the game will most likely send sentinels down from space to give you a real fight. The game is what you make of it and it gives you a lot of food for thought. 

At first glance, No Man’s Sky may appear to be a multiplayer game, but the reality is more complex. The game can be played offline, so long as you go online briefly to receive planet coordinates and data updates. Two discrete players end up landing on the same planet and never meet each other. These players might talk to the same characters and leave indelible marks on that planet, but they may never come across each other.

Still, regardless of how many other players you might one day meet, space will by and large feel very lonely. You will rocket past uncaring stars and name planets no one else has ever touched. You will also discover species unique to those planets, with features that manage to mimic nature in spite of being procedurally generated. Above all of this, the game’s graphics are breathtaking; they’re high-end and the game makes them count for every shred and polygon.

Restore the Bakkin system

Players can access the new Utopia Expedition by pulling up the new game screen. You should not load a save file and instead start a new one to be able to pick the game mode accordingly. In the new mode, you will be part of the Utopia Foundation, a group whose objective is to restore the Bakkin system to what it once was. In restoring the system, you have to complete Milestones and Phases. Once everything is restored accordingly, you will unlock a robot called the Bio-Warden Companion.

Keep the game going

With the implementation of cross-saving and cross-playing, players can now continue where they left off in No Man’s Sky regardless of what device they are playing on. This allows you to resume the game on your new device without losing any of your progress. Furthermore, the game grants full controller support. There have been some known issues with controller input, however, you can simply reconnect it to try again.

With the use of Metal 3 and MetalFX temporal and spatial upscaling, players can also look forward to an even more immersive experience presented through the game’s stunning graphics. These also ensure that you get the full experience, even when playing the game on lower-specced devices. Just keep in mind that this will require quite a large amount of available storage space on your device.

A banquet of the stars

No Man’s Sky is a lonesome multiplayer experience, an unparalleled game full of exploration but with nothing you’ve been planning to find. It is a huge, wide, and open sandbox full of conundrums. There are hundreds—if not thousands—of randomly generated planets to explore, all of which teeming with unique flora and fauna waiting for you to discover. If this seems worthwhile to you, then you absolutely must play the game.