Natural Login

by Palcott for Windows 98

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Firewalls and VPNs protect the network from outside intruders, but little is done to prevent security breaches from the inside. Requiring users to logon to the network can prevent unauthorized access, but what about when the user steps away?

NaturalLogin Pro was designed to close this window of vulnerability. With NaturalLogin Pro, networks are not compromised when users leave their computers unattended. NaturalLogin Pro takes the burden of compliance off the user and brings to security a level of personalization and convenience never before possible.

With NaturalLogin Pro, users no longer have to re-enter their passwords each time they approach their computer. Users can be automatically logged on to their machine as they plug in their USB drive. NaturalLogin Pro recognizes users and determines their access privileges, preventing information from falling into the wrong hands. The result is convenient, personalized security for a variety of business and home environments.