Mystery Island II

by Koingosw for Windows XP

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Save mankind from Alien takeover!

Mystery Island II is fun game that combines elements of puzzle games, adventure games and science fiction.

The plot is thus – you are a Navy Seal currently serving aboard the USS Volarus when your submarine is destroyed by an unidentified vessel, probably a Russian nuclear warship. You escape the final blast and wash up on a tropical island. That’s where your adventure begins. It turns out that the world has been invaded by aliens and it’s your job to find clues and save the world from an alien takeover.

The island is littered with clues that eventually guide you towards the final defeat of the aliens. The games can be anything from puzzles to codes you must crack and locations you must find. In this way, the game is very similar to Escape From Monkey Island except with less detail and worse graphics. In fact, the graphics are probably one of the biggest letdowns although considering this is a pretty cheap adventure game, you can’t expect miracles anyway.

Likewise, the sound effects are passable and you can choose from a gently paced one to one that’s a bit more racy. Everything is controlled by the mouse with left and right movements indicating the direction you want the character to go and you wave the cursor over an object to see if it can be picked up or used or not.

All in all, this is a decent attempt at an original adventure game and if only the developers had had a bit more money to invest in it, you can’t help feeling that it would be so much better.

Enhancement: New XML engine.Modification: Copyright updated.Bug Fix: Preferences window title now shows on Mac OS X.Bug Fix: Donation link fixed.Bug Fix: App icon in the setup window restored.


  • Enhancement: New XML engine.Modification: Copyright updated.Bug Fix: Preferences window title now shows on Mac OS X.Bug Fix: Donation link fixed.Bug Fix: App icon in the setup window restored.