MüllAlarm App

by Abfall for Android 13.0

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MüllALARM App: Your Solution to Waste Management Worries

MüllALARM App is a free Android application developed by Abfall, designed to provide an all-in-one solution for waste management. The app offers a wide range of features that enable users to stay informed about waste disposal schedules, collection points, and tips for efficient disposal.

The app’s features include personalized reminders for waste collection, an Abfall ABC section that filters waste types and provides disposal tips, and the ability to register up to ten locations per device, making it ideal for property managers. It also provides information about current holiday regulations and collection schedules and has location data for the nearest recycling centers.

In addition, MüllALARM offers online forms for requesting special waste pickups and ordering yellow trash bags. The app also features ServicePLUS, a feature that allows users to request container services directly from their properties.

To get started, download and install the MüllALARM App, select your desired collection points, and start receiving reminders.

MüllALARM App is a service of the Schönmackers Group, which provides sustainable waste management solutions in NRW. They offer safe and efficient disposal and recycling services for everything from household waste to industrial and commercial waste. Their expert team provides consultation services for secure disposal and recycling solutions, ensuring a better future for all.