Mr. Angry Munchy Alien: A Challenging and Addictive Adventure Game
Mr. Angry Munchy Alien, developed by Amagine Interactive, is an exciting adventure game that promises an addictive and challenging gameplay experience. The game features an endless level, eye-catching graphics, and soothing background music that will keep you engaged for hours.
The objective of the game is to help Mr. Angry Munchy Alien eat as many greenies as possible. The game is easy to play, but hard to master. You can make Mr. Angry Munchy Alien flap like a bird by pressing anywhere on the screen and balance him to eat all the greenies. However, be careful as Mr. Angry Munchy Alien has a difficult time seeing when hungry, and he has a very BIG appetite!
The game is free to download and play on Android devices. It also allows you to connect with Google Play to share your high score. Overall, Mr. Angry Munchy Alien is a great game for adventure lovers who enjoy a challenging and addictive gameplay experience.